On May 28, 2020, Angela R, Director General of the World Women Organization (WWO), announced the establishment of the WWO CSR Sub-Committee at the WWO Global CSR Virtual Plenary Summit, which was held online through a live Zoom webinar. Angela R appointed Cesarone J. as Director of the WWO CSR Committee. Lady Angela said during the Summit, “I look forward to working with our newly appointed Director, Cesarone J., to further promote world women’s development. We will work closely to plan our next World Women Conference for Development (WWCD), which will review the status of women, promote the development of women and take actions to further gender equality and women empowerment. “
Speakers included:
- Padamini MURTHY, Vice President of United Nations NGO/DIP Committee
- John W. ALLEN, Former Vice President of the Business Council for the United Nations
- Thomas GEHL, Former Core Member of the environmental legal advisory team for the US President Bill Clinton
- Wale Idris AJIBADE, Founder and Executive Director of African View Organization
- Claire KELLS, Senior Manager of UN Global Compact
- John J. FORRER, Director of the Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Professor at George Washington University